PS3Splitter is a very small and simple free tool meant to help you split large files of more than 4 GBs into smaller parts.
As its name suggests, its original purpose is to simplify things for PS3 users and help them get their backups working by performing simple file transfer (copy/move) operation from PC's external HDD to PS3's internal HDD. This method is much faster, easier, and more reliable than copying the large backups via FTP. Since this is the original purpose of this tool, it also allows loading the files to be broken into smaller pieces only by selecting a folder containing them, and not by choosing those files individually. Anyway, it will automatically detect the files larger than the FAT32 max file size in the selected directory, including the subfolders.
There's also a handy option to delete the original files after they have been split, but it lacks options to stop or pause the file splitting process once this has been started. And since this process can often take quite a while, the lack of the options to stop or pause it is quite an important disappointing issue. Anyway, there's an accurate progress bar provided. You should also note that the size of the pieces is set to 1024 MB and there's no possibility to change it.
In conclusion, it's a good thing that PS3Splitter is also free, as it makes its many flaws matter less.